Estate planning protects some of the most important assets you have, some would even say the priceless ones. It provides peace of mind and protection for the people you leave behind by making sure the assets you left to care for them are properly shepherded. The difference between our estate plans (including those we often work on in partnership with our clients' own estate planners who bring them to us) and most conventional estate plans, is that our plans have significant safeguards in place to help ensure that the assets predictably survive your risks during your life.
Bluntly, the most detailed and thoughtfully crafted estate plan is moot unless there is actually something left to pass on.
Whether you need to update and complete an existing estate plan to accommodate changes in your assets and life or need to start from scratch, we have an experienced team of estate planners that can help. Just a few of the common concerns we can address for our clients include:
- Reducing the burden of estate taxes for those fortunate enough to have that problem
- Ensuring that you yourself are protected with living wills and timely designations of those you want to have healthcare and financial powers of attorney to act on your behalf if ever required
- Protecting assets left to our clients' heirs from the heirs own future risks, including lawsuits, divorce and bankruptcy
- Enabling our clients' charitable giving and legacy goals
- Helping to ensure either the continuation of, or most profitable exit from, the client's successful businesses
- Preserving specific family heirloom assets including individual items, collections, and real estate
- Making sure any vulnerable individuals, including those with age related issues, like parents or those with special needs, are appropriately planned for and protected
- Making specific bequests of property or funds to specific individuals
- Probate and estate law including probate litigation